Logo ICPA INSTITUTUL NAȚIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE PENTRU PEDOLOGIE, AGROCHIMIE ȘI PROTECȚIA MEDIULUI – ICPA București , "National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment – ICPA Bucharest"


Politica de confidenţialitate INCDPAPM ICPA Bucuresti

Strategia CDI 2015-2020

Strategia CDI 2019-2022

Strategia CDI 2021-2030


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Research Collaboration Interest

in the Key Action
of the EC's Fifth Framework Programme

"Global Change, Climate and Biodiversity"

(Specific Programme "Preserving the Ecosystem")

 To understand, detect, assess and predict global change processes

(climate change, biodiversity loss, loss of fertile land and habitats, natural and anthropogenic phenomena in the context of the sustainable use of natural resources, etc.):

 To foster better understanding of ecosystems

(ecosystem interactions with land surfaces and land use, soil, water, atmosphere and ocean; role of biodiversity and climate change; interactions between ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, large-scale land degradation and desertification):

 To develop scenarios and strategies for the prevention and mitigation of, and for possible adaptation to, the effects of global change, climate change and loss of biodiversity:

 To support the development of the European component of the global observation systems for climate, terrestrial systems and oceans: