Main objective

The objective of this project is to develop research in experimental demonstrative area that might contribute to increasing the reclamation efficiency of the agricultural exploitations.
The specific objectives of the project consist in applicative research and organizing experiments under farm conditions and productive regim, accompanied by laboratory analysis. It will be also verified and applied on demonstrative plots in drained and non drained variants, some new technologies based on:

  • Increasing the workability of the surface drainage systems using in the absobtion network the structural stabilized soil;
  • Using of special species of plants adapted to local conditions;

These technologies will lead to obtaining efficient production, reduced energy costs,prevention of the water logging, maintenance / ammelioration the soil and water table quality state and will influence positively the soil productive potential.
The project  will include a management model creation of an agricultural exploitation of 1000 ha and also the disemination of the results obtained and of the technologies applied on the demonstrative plots.

The proposed objectives in this project follow the European legislation regarding to evaluation, protection and ammelioration the natural resources havingthe aim of developing a sustainable agriculture. These objectives also answer to the rules of the NationalPlan for agriculture and rural development.